How to view third party data returns

SARS has issued a new guide which explains how to view submitted third party data returns or data files via eFiling

This guide, titled “How to view submitted third party data returns or data files” describes how taxpayers can view and query their third-party data certificates submitted by their Financial Service Providers (Third party data providers) to the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) on their behalf.  Additionally, the guide further describes how third-party data providers can view and resolve queries related to their submitted data files.

Third party data providers (Banks, Medical Aid Schemes, and Insurance etc.) submit third party data of their clients to SARS via the Connect Direct (C:D) or via the secure web: HTTP technology. To finalize their submission process, third party data providers are required to access eFiling and proceed by verifying and declaring their submitted data file. The data file submitted contains third-party data of taxpayers which include amongst others medical aid certificates and employment certificates (IRP5).

To promote accuracy of the pre-populated information included within income tax returns, and to further ensure efficiency in resolving tax affairs, taxpayers are now able to view their third-party data certificates submitted by third party data providers on their behalf. This implies that taxpayers or tax representatives can request to view third-party data certificates that was received by SARS via eFiling

Find a copy of the guide here.
